Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Final Drive

Drive Chain Lubrication Condition Inspection

Lubrication is necessary after riding through rain or on wet roads, or any time that the chain appears dry.

Use a lubricant for sealed chains to prevent deterioration of chain seals. If the chain is especially dirty, clean it using a cleaner for sealed chains following the instructions supplied by the chain cleaner manufacturer.


The O-rings between the side plates seal in the lubricant between the pin and the bushing. To avoid damaging the O-rings and resultant loss of lubricant, observe the following rules.

Use only kerosene or diesel oil for cleaning of the O-ring of the drive chain. Any other cleaning solution such as gasoline will cause deterioration and swelling of the O-ring. Immediately blow the chain dry with compressed air after cleaning. Complete cleaning and drying the chain within 10 minutes

Drive Chain Lubrication Condition Inspection

Drive Chain Sack Inspection


Drive Chain Sack Inspection

*If the chain slack exceeds the standard, adjust it

Chain Slack Standard: 20 - 30 mm (0.8 - 1.2 in.)

Drive Chain Slack Adjustment

If the chain is too loose, turn in the left and right chair adjusters [D] evenly

If the chain is too tight, turn out the left and right chain adjusters evenly, and kick the wheel forward.

Drive Chain Sladc Adjustment

Misalignment of the wheel will result in abnormal wear and may result in an unsafe riding condition.

Be sure the wheel is properly aligned.


Drive Chain Sladc Adjustment


A loose axle nut can lead to an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Tighten the axle nut to the proper toque and install a new cotter pin.

Drive Chain Sladc Adjustment

Wheel Alignment Inspection

Check that the left alignment indicator [A] aligns with the same swingarm mark or position [B] that the right alignment indicator notch aligns with.

Wheel Alignment Inspection

If they do not, adjust the chain slack and aligns the wheel alignment (see Drive Chain Slack Adjustment).


Wheel alignment can be also checked using the straightedge or string method.


Misalignment of the wheel will result in abnormal wear and may result in unsafe riding condition. Be sure the wheel is properly aligned.

Drive Chain Wear  Inspection

Drive Chain Wear  Inspection

If there is any irregularity, replace the drive chain.

Lubricate the drive chain if it appears dry.

If any measurements exceed the service limit, replace the chain. Also, replace the front and rear sprockets when the drive chain is replaced.

Drive Chain 20-link Length

Standard: 317.5 - 318.2 mm (12.50 - 12.53 in.)

Service  Limit: 319 mm (12.6 in.)


A chain that breaks or Jumps off the sprockets could snag on the engine sprocket or lock the rear wheel, severely damaging the motorcycle and causing it to go out of control. Inspect the chain for damage and proper adjustment Mom each ride.

If chain wear exceed the service limit, replace it with the standard chain. It is an endless type and should not be cut for installation.

Standard Chain




EK520LV03 (when shipping)

Link:106 links

Chain Gulde Wear  Inspection

Chain Gulde Wear  Inspection

Mud Guard (see Mud Guard Removal in the Frame chapter)

Engine Sprocket Cover (see Engine Sprocket Removal in the Final drive chapter)

Bolt  [A]

Chain Guide [B]

If it shows any signs of abnormal wear or damage, replace the chain guide.

See also:

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Wheels/Tires

Air Pressure Inspection Remove the air valve cap. Measure the tire air pressure with an air pressure gauge [A] when the tires are cold (that is, when the motorcycle has not been ridden more than a mile during the past 3 hours)

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Brakes

Brake System Inspection Brake Fluid Leak (Brake Hose and Pipe) Inspection For ABS equipped models, remove the air cleaner housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter). Apply the brake lever or pedal and inspect the brake fluid leak from the brake hoses [A], fittings [B] and pipes [C] (ABS equipped models).

Owner's Manuals

Service manuals