Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Cooling System

Coolant Level Inspection


Check the level when the engine is cold (room or ambient temperature).

Coolant Level Inspection

If the coolant level is lower than the  "L"  level line [A], unscrew the reserve tank cap and add coolant to the 'F level line [B].

"L": low

"F": full


For refilling, add the specified mixture of coolant and soft water. Adding water alone dilutes the coolant and degrades its anticorrosion properties.

The diluted coolant can attack the aluminum engine parts. In an emergency, soft water alone can be added. But the diluted coolant must be returned to the correct mixture ratio within a few days.

If coolant must be added often or the reserve tank has run completely dry, there is probably leakage in the cooling system. Check the system for leaks.

Coolant ruins painted surfaces. Immediately wash away any coolant that spills on the frame, engine, wheels or other painted parts.

Cooling System Inspection

Water Hose and Pipe Inspection (coolant leak, damage, installation condition)

Cooling System Inspection

The high pressure inside the radiator hose can cause coolant to leak [A] or the hose to burst if the line is not properly maintained.

Replace the hose if any fraying, cracks [B] or bulges [C] are noticed.

Coolant Change


Coolant can be extremely hot and cause severe burns, is toxic and very slippery. Do not remove the radiator cap or attempt to change the coolant when the engine is hot; allow it cool completely.

Immediately wipe any spilled coolant from tires, frame, engine or other painted parts. Do not ingest coolant.

Right Middle Fairing (see Middle Fairing Removal in the Frame chapter) Coolant Reserve Tank (see Coolant Reserve Tank Removal in the Cooling System chapter)  Radiator Cap [A]

Coolant Change

Coolant Change

Torque -Coolant Drain Bolt: 7.0 N-m (0.71 kgf-m, 62 in-lb)


Soft or distilled water must be used with the antifreeze in the cooling system.

If hard water is used in the system, it causes scales accumulation in the water passages, and considerably reduces the efficiency of the cooling system.

Water and Coolant Mixture Ratio (Recommended) Soft Water: 50% Coolant: 50% Freezing Point: -35% (-31ºF) Total Amount: 1 .3 L (1.4 US qt)

Coolant Change


Coolant Change


Do not add more coolant above the "F" level line.

Water How and O-ring Replacement

Thermostat Housing (see Thermostat Housing Removal in the Cooling System chapter) Water Pump Cover (see Water Pump Cover Removal in the Wing System chapter) Water Hoses [A]

Water How and O-ring Replacement

See also:

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Fuel System (DFI)

Air Cleaner Element Replacement NOTE Oln dusty areas, the element shouhi be replad more frequently than the recommended interval. WARNING

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Engine Top End

Valve Clearance  Inspection NOTE

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