Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Muffler

Engine Top End / Muffler

Muffler Body Removal

Muffler Body Removal

Clear the hook [D].

Muffler Body Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

When tightening the exhaust pipe holder nuts, be sure to follow the specified  sequence [1 - 3].

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Tighten: Toque - Exhaust Pip. Holder Nub: 12 N-m (1 S kgf*m, 108 In*lb

When tightening the exhaust pipe holder nuts, be sure to follow the above sequence.

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Insert the claw [A] into the cover clamp [B] as shown.

45 - 55ยบ [C] Tighten: Torque - muffler Cover  Bolt [D]: 6.9 N*m (0.70 kgf*m, 61 in*lb) Be sure to install the damper and collar [E] Tighten: Tom- Muffler Cover Bolt [F ]: 4,4 N*m (0.M kgf*m, 39 In*lb) *Thoroughly warm up the engine, wait until the engine cods down, retighten all the bob and screw.

Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

Muffler Body and Exhaust Pipe

See also:

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Cylinder, Pistons

Cylinder Removal Remove: Cylinder Head (see Cylinder Head Removal) Cylinder [A]

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Clutch

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