Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Direction Indicators

Electrical / Direction Indicators

Bulb Replacement

Daytona 675 up to VIN 381274

Direction Indicators

  1. Direction indicator lens
  2. Screw

The lens on each direction indicator is held in place by a securing screw located in the body of the light.

Release the screw and remove the amber lens to gain access to the bulb for replacement.

Daytona 675 from VIN 381275, Street Triple and Street Triple R all VINs

Direction Indicators

  1. Direction indicator lens
  2. Screw

The lens on each direction indicator is held in place by a securing screw located in the lens of the light.

Release the screw and remove the lens to gain access to the bulb for replacement.

Rear Direction Indicator - Daytona 675


1. Remove the rider's seat.

2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

3. Release the fixing securing the direction indicator to the licence plate bracket and detach the light unit.

4. Disconnect the two direction indicator electrical connectors and remove the light unit.

Direction Indicators

  1. Direction indicator (left hand shown)
  2. Fixing


1. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following.


Rear Direction Indicator - Street Triple and Street Triple R


1. Remove the seat.

2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

3. Remove the rear panels.

4. Loosen the rear light finisher fixing, located below the rear mudguard.

Direction Indicators

  1. Rear light finisher fixing

5. Remove the rear light finisher.

Direction Indicators

  1. Rear light finisher

6. Release the fixings securing the light unit to the rear subframe.

Direction Indicators

  1. Rear light unit
  2. Rear light fixings

7. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove the rear light.

8. Remove and discard the two fixings securing the indicator mount panel.

Direction Indicators

  1. Indicator mount panel
  2. Fixings

9. Release the fixings securing the direction indicators to the licence plate bracket and detach the direction indicators together with the indicator mount panel.

10. Disconnect the direction indicator and licence plate light electrical connectors.

11. Noting the routing of the indicator and licence plate harnesses, remove the direction indicators from the indicator mount panel.

Direction Indicators

  1. Indicator mount panel
  2. Right hand direction indicator harness
  3. Left hand direction indicator harness
  4. Licence plate light harness


1. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following.


Front Direction Indicator - Daytona 675


1. Remove the rider's seat.

2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

3. Remove the lower fairing.

4. Release the fixing securing the direction indicator to the lower fairing and remove the light unit.

Direction Indicators

  1. Direction indicator (right hand shown)
  2. Fixing


1. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following.


Front Direction Indicator- Street Triple and Street Triple R


1. Remove the rider's seat.

2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

3. Remove the fuel tank.

4. Remove the airbox.

5. Disconnect the front direction indicator connections, located under the airbox.

Direction Indicators

  1. Left hand direction indicator connections
  2. Right hand direction indicator connections

6. Release the fixing securing the direction indicator to the radiator cowl.

7. Release the three fixings securing the radiator cowl to the radiator.

Direction Indicators

  1. Radiator cowl
  2. Direction indicator fixing
  3. Fixings

8. Remove the radiator cowl and, noting the routing of the direction indicator harness, carefully feed the harness through the radiator bracket as the cowl is removed.

9. Remove the direction indicator from the radiator cowl.


1. Pass the direction indicator harness through the radiator cowl and position the direction indicator to the radiator cowl.

2. Pass the direction indicator harness through the radiator bracket and align the radiator cowl to its fixing holes.


Direction Indicators

  1. Radiator bracket
  2. Direction indicator harness hole
  3. Direction indicator fixing hole

3. Route the direction indicator harness inside the frame rail to a position above the camshaft cover.

Reconnect the electrical connectors to the main harness.

4. Install the three radiator cowl fixings and the direction indicator fixing and tighten as follows:

5. Refit the airbox.

6. Refit the fuel tank.

7. Reconnect the battery, positive (red) lead first.

8. Refit the rider's seat.

Licence Plate Light

Bulb Replacement

1. Release the screw and detach the licence plate light from the licence plate bracket.

2. Carefully remove the rubber bulb holder from the back of the light unit and remove the bulb.

Licence Plate Light

  1. Bulb holder
  2. Bulb

3. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Starter Motor


1. Remove the rider's seat.

2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

3. Remove the fuel tank.

4. Remove the airbox.

5. Remove the throttle bodies.

6. Disconnect the low oil pressure warning light switch.

7. Ease the boot from the starter cable terminal and then release the cable bolt.

8. Detach the cable.

9. Release the fixings securing the starter to the crankcase.

Starter Motor

  1. Starter motor
  2. Starter cable fixing
  3. Fixings

10. Ease the starter motor from the upper crankcase.


1. Ensure the starter turns freely and without binding.

2. Check the starter O-ring for damage and deterioration. Replace as necessary.


1. Lubricate the starter motor O-ring with a small amount of petroleum jelly.

2. Fit the starter motor to the upper crankcase ensuring that the O-ring does not become damaged during installation.

3. Fit and tighten the starter bolts to 10 Nm.

4. Refit the starter cable and secure with the bolt. Tighten to 3 Nm.

5. Refit the starter cable boot.

6. Connect the low oil pressure warning light switch.

7. Refit the throttle bodies.

8. Refit the airbox.

9. Refit the fuel tank.

10. Reconnect the battery, positive (red) lead first.

11. Refit the rider's seat.

See also:

 Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Rear Light

Rear Light - Daytona 675 Removal Note: The rear light is a sealed for life unit and must be replaced in the event of a failure.

 Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Alternator

Removal 1. Remove the rider's seat. 2. Daytona 675 only: Remove the left hand lower fairing. 3. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.

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