Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Connecting Rods


Connecting rods may be removed from the engine after first removing it from the frame. The cylinder head must be removed and the crankcase halves separated.

1. Mark each big end cap and connecting rod to identify both items as a matched pair and to identify the correct orientation of the bearing cap to the connecting rod.

2. Release the connecting rod bolts and remove the big end cap. Ensure that the bearing shell remains in place in the cap.

Connecting Rods

  1. Big end cap
  2. Connecting rod bolt


3. Push the connecting rod up through the crankcase and collect the piston and connecting rod from the top.

4. Label the assembly to identify the cylinder from which it was removed.

Caution: Never re-use connecting rod bolts. If the connecting rod cap is disturbed, always renew the bolts. Using the original bolts may lead to severe engine damage.

5. Remove the liner using tool T3880101.

6. Detach the piston from the connecting rod.



Warning: Connecting rod bolts MUST only be used once. If the bolts are removed or undone for any reason, new bolts MUST always be used.

Re-using bolts can cause connecting rods and their caps to detach from the crankshaft causing severe engine damage, loss of motorcycle control and an accident.


1. Fit the piston onto the connecting rod.

2. Apply silicone sealer to the liner-to-crankcase mating face (At the factory, Three Bond 1215 is used).

Connecting Rods

  1. Liner
  2. Sealer area

3. Fit the piston and connecting rod assembly into the liner from the bottom.

4. Fit the liner into the crankcase ensuring that the arrow/'dot' on the piston faces forward.

5. The liners must be positioned such they do not touch each other - it must be possible to pass a 0.1 mm feeler gauge between the centre liner and its adjacent liner on either side. If the liners touch at any point, rotate the liners until there is a minimum 0.1 mm clearance.

Connecting Rods

  1. Liners


6. Select the big end bearing shells.

7. Fit the bearing shells to the connecting rod and big end cap and lubricate with a 50/50 solution of engine oil and molybdenum disulphide grease.

8. Align the connecting rod to the crankshaft and fit the big end cap.

Connecting Rods

  1. Big end cap
  2. Connecting rod bolt

Caution The torque characteristics of the connecting rod bolts are sensitive to the correct lubrication being applied. If the threads and under head areas are not lubricated with molydenum disuplhide grease, the bolts may be stretched and may become loose when in service resulting in an expensive engine failure.

9. Lubricate the threads and under-head area of the new bolts with molybdenum disulphide grease.

Tighten the bolts evenly and progressively in five stages as follows:

Caution: The torque characteristics of the connecting rod bolts are sensitive to the rate at which they are tightened. If all the torque is applied in one action, the bolt may be stretched and may become loose when in service resulting in an expensive engine failure.

  1. Tighten to 22 Nm
  2. Release 120º
  3. Tighten to 10 Nm
  4. Tighten to 14 Nm
  5. Tighten through 120º of bolt rotation as measured using the Triumph torque turn gauge 3880105- T0301.

Connecting Rods
Service Tool 3880105-T0301

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check

1. Measure the bearing and crankpin clearance as follows.


  1. Remove the big end cap from the journal to be checked.
  2. Wipe the exposed areas of the crankpin, and the bearing face inside the cap.
  3. Apply a thin smear of grease to the journal and a small quantity of silicone release agent to the bearing.
  4. Trim a length of the Plastigage to fit across the journal. Fit the strip to the journal using the grease to hold the Plastigage in place.
  5. Lubricate the threads and under-head of the bolt with molybdenum disulphide grease. Refit the bearing and cap and tighten the big end bolts.
  6. Release the bolts and remove the cap being measured. Using the gauge provided with the Plastigage kit, measure the width of the compressed Plastigage.

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check

Checking the Measured Clearance

Con rod big end bearing/crankpin clearance

Standard: 0.035 - 0.065 mm
Service limit: 0.070 mm


Crankpin diameter

Standard: 32.984 - 33.000 mm
Service limit: 32.960 mm


Connecting Rod Bearing Selection

Minor differences in crankshaft dimensions are compensated for by using selective bearings. For further information on bearing part number to colour cross-references, see the latest parts information.

1. Select the correct big end bearing shell as follows:


Big end bearing selection chart

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check

For instance:

Con-rod Big End Diameter  -  36.002
Crankpin Diameter  -  32.987
Required Bearing  -  Red


2. Install the new bearings in the connecting rod.

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check

  1. Big end bearings

Caution: Always confirm, using the Plastigage method, that the running clearance is correct before final assembly.

Severe engine damage could result from incorrect clearance.

Crankshaft main bearing/journal wear

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check

Minor differences in crankshaft and crankcase dimensions are compensated for by using selective bearings. For further information on bearing part number to colour cross-references, see the latest parts information.

Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Selection/Crankpin Wear Check
Checking Crankpin Clearance using Plastigage

Crankshaft main bearing/journal clearance

Standard: 0.020 - 0.044 mm
Service limit: 0.07 mm

If the clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the diameter of the crankshaft main journal.

Crankshaft main journal diameter

Standard: 32.984 - 33.000 mm
Service limit: 32.960 mm


Select bearings as follows:

1. Measure and record the diameter of each crankshaft main bearing journal.

2. Measure and record each main bearing bore diameter in the crankcase (bearings removed).

Compare the data found with the chart above to select bearings individually by journal.

For example:

Crankshaft Journal diameter  -  32.995 mm
Crankcase Bore  -  35.997 mm
Bearing Required  -  Blue


Caution: Always confirm, using the Plastigage method, that the running clearance is correct before final assembly.

Severe engine damage could result from incorrect clearance.

Crankshaft End Float

Standard: 0.15 - 0.30 mm


See also:

 Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Crankcases

Caution: The upper and lower crankcases are machined as a matched set and must never be assembled to non-matching halves. Doing so may cause seizure of the engine. 1. Remove the engine from the frame.

 Triumph Street Triple S - Service manual > Pistons

Disassembly Note: It is not necessary to remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft.

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Service manuals