Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Clean Air System

Engine Top End / Clean Air System

Air Suction Valve Removal

Air Sudion Valve Removal

Air Suction Valve Installation

Face the wider side [B] of the valve forward.

Air Sudion Valve Installation

Air Suction Valve Inspection

Air Suction Valve Inspection

*If there is any  doubt as to the condition of  the reeds, replace the air suction valve as an assembly.

*If there is any  doubt as to the condition of  the reeds, replace the air suction valve as an assembly.

*If any carbon or other foreign particles have accumulated between the reed and the reed contact area, wash the valve assembly clean with a high flash-point solvent.

Air Switching Valve Removal

Air Switching Valve Removal

Air Switching Valve Removal

Notice :

Never drop the air switching valve especially on a hardsurface. Such a shock to the air switching valve can damaged it.

Air Switching Valve Installation

Air Switching Valve Operation Test

Air Switching Valve Unit Test

Clean Air System Hose Inspection

*If they are not, correct them. Replace them if they are damaged.

See also:

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Engine Top End

Exploded View

 Kawasaki Z400 - Service manual > Cylinder Head Cover

Cylinder Head Cover Removal Replace the M cover gasket with a new one. Clean off any oil or dirt and apply liquid gasket to the groove [A] of the cylinder head cover.

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