Yamaha MT-03 - Owner's Manual > Care and storage, specifications

Care and storage, specifications

See also:

 Yamaha MT-03 - Owner's Manual > Supporting the motorcycle

Since this model is not equipped with a centerstand, follow these precautions when removing the front and rear wheel or performing other maintenance requiring the motorcycle to stand upright. Check that the motorcycle is in a stable and level position before starting any maintenance. A strong wooden box can be placed under the engine for added stability.

 Yamaha MT-03 - Owner's Manual > Motorcycle care and storage

Care While the open design of a motorcycle reveals the attractiveness of the technology, it also makes it more vulnerable. Rust and corrosion can develop even if high-quality components are used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go unnoticed on a car, however, it detracts from the overall appearance of a motorcycle.

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